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  • Conversation started 4 May
  • Gretchen Smith
    Congratulations on your results!! Are you in remission now?
  • Maria Terzian
    yes i was already in remission !
    but some lessions are now gone
    which is better
    thank you!
  • Gretchen Smith
    So happy for you:) I still haven't checked there...I need to especially if this last radiation didn't do the job!
  • Maria Terzian
    yes definetely get in contact because they also helped to be able to get things done for the transplant
    you have to be in remission to qualify
    even if its a short remission
  • Gretchen Smith
    Good to know...I won't know until the end of July if I'm in remission or not

    Esta charla la tuve hace poco tiempo con Gretchen, una luchadora de lymphoma. Gretchen hoy está muy mal y la están trasladando en un avión sanitario a su ciudad natal para estar con su familia. Todas las veces que un compañero se puso peor se terminaron yendo. Esta noche deseo que cada estrella en el cielo sea una esperanza para ella. Mi energía y mi fuerza está con ella en el peor momento de su vida. Fuerza Gretchen.

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